Category: Uncategorized
Community Advocacy in Sunset Park
Earlier this month, we participated in NYC Women in Action’s Youth-Parent Summit at PS 172 in Sunset Park- we were thrilled to contribute to this amazing event! Supported by Citizen’s Committee of NYC, the summit brought together neighborhood leaders, advocates, parents and kids for an inspiring day of skill building. SLP’s workshops, attended by both…
Lin-Manuel Miranda on Civic Engagement
“Our voices can effect change. If you don’t have a dollar to spend, you can make your voice heard and make an enormous difference. Frankly, that’s what we have, and there’s enormous power in the plurality of our voices.” Lin-Manuel Miranda First Annual Obama Foundation Summit November 2017
Compassion Fatigue: How to Stay Engaged When the News is Overwhelming
This post is by SLP Faculty member and Guest Blogger Claire Wampler. A few weeks ago, as Hurricane Maria crashed over Puerto Rico, a fourth grader at one of SLP’s partner schools said to me, “Miss Claire, there are so many bad things happening. I feel useless.” I know just how she feels. When the…
Clean Air Crusaders at Brooklyn Prospect Charter School
After considering multiple social issues affecting both their school and the larger community, 4th graders in the SLP Club at Brooklyn Prospect Charter School (BPCS) have decided to help prevent air pollution. Especially in New York City, air pollution poses a serious risk to all residents: but children, seniors, and people living in low-income neighborhoods…
Hurricane Destruction: How You Can Help
In quick succession, three hurricanes crashed through the Caribbean and southern United States, leaving overwhelming destruction behind. Often, in the wake of a natural disaster, it can be hard to know how to be most helpful. With this level of devastation, following Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, it can be overwhelming to even know where…
Welcome to our New Faculty Members!
Photo: fr. left to right: Maddie Perlmutter, Claire Wampler, Jessica Bundage, & Tracy Jo Ingram We’re thrilled to welcome four new Faculty members to SLP! Along with their passion for working with youth, they bring impressive backgrounds in teaching, service, and project-based learning: After graduating college, Jessica Bundage worked as…
Bullying in NYC Schools is on the Rise
In the recently released 2017 DOE Student Surveys, a vast majority of NYC public school students – more than 80% – report that bullying occurs at their school. Although the questions varied slightly, which makes for an imperfect comparison, this is a 10% increase from the prior school year. More than 430,00 students completed last…
NYC Special Needs Voucher Program Is Not Enough
This is the part two of a series on students with special needs by Guest Blogger and SLP Intern Juliana Castro. According to a recent article on Chalkbeat (an incredible resource for education-related news), NYC families face a Herculean task when trying to arrange critical support for children with special needs. The City is home to thousands…
Increasing Accessibility In The Classroom: NYC Schools
This is the first post from SLP’s guest blogger and summer intern, Juliana Castro. Juliana is a junior at Wesleyan University. A few years ago, 6th graders in SLP’s Residency Program tackled the issue of accessibility in NYC, specifically with regard to transportation. But, too often, public schools themselves are not accessible. What would it be…
Advocacy Awards For SLP Students
We were thrilled to attend Care for the Homeless’ (CFH) annual Summer Solstice event and accept an advocacy award on behalf of SLP students! CFH is a long-standing SLP partner. We have been so fortunate to have the opportunity to help advance their critical mission: providing free medical care and advocacy for homeless adults and children in…